Thursday, June 19, 2014

Critical thinking adn problem solving. Xmind review

1. Name of the Web 2.0 Tool: Xmind

2. URL of the Tool:

3. Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Tool

4. What is XMind?
     XMind is a download software that allows the organization of ideas. This type of software is called "mindmapping". Mindmapping is the process of drawing diagrams that show relations between various ideas, tasks or information. According to the developer most people use it to clarify thinking, manage compex information, run brainstroming and get work organized. This is an open source project meaning you can download and use it for free without restrictions. The software provides a series of tools and graphics that allows the user organize irnformation in a linear and non-linear fashion. The final output is similar to an organizational flowchart that can be distributed via the library.

5. How does XMind work?

    Before I start explaining how XMind works I have to clarify that XMind is a very complex system. The power and ability to manipulate every single aspect of it comes with complexity and sometimes lack of user friendly features. The amount of things one can do with this software is far to complex to put into a blog. I found a lot of useful information on how to get me started at the XMind Forum. Having said that I will just brush on the basic features of this software. (there is a nice short tutorial video here)

1. Goto XMind and download the software
2. Open the program and select Blank template

3. Click inside the first topic labeled as "central topic" and type in a topic title. In this example I typed "hepatitis"

Create Topic
1. Select the main topic box, then choose Insert on the Menu and select: Topic, type in the first topic title. Alternatively, you can select the main topic box and hit "enter"
2.      Continue adding the main topics to your mindmap.

Change the colour outline or background of the topic
1.      Click in the topic that you would like to change its colour.
2.      In the Properties panel (right hand side of the screen), click on the small square color icon.  You can also change the background colour, font size/colour or shape of the topic.

Create Sub Topic
1.      Select the topic you would like to add a subtopic to then choose Insert on the Menu and select: Subtopic
 2.    Continue creating sub topics for each idea relating to the main topic.

Add a Hyperlink
Hyperlinks can be used to connect maps to websites, folders, or files.

To create hyperlink:
1.    Select a topic you would like to add a hyperlink to.
2.    Click hyperlink icon on the toolbar and enter the URL
3.   Click OK, and finish.
The Hyperlink icon will now appear in the topic.When you click on the internet link a browser will open in the same window as your mind map.

Add an Image
1.    The easiest way is to Drag and Drop the image you want to include. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the image.

Add Notes to a topic
It is possible to add some notes to a topic in order to add more detailed information about a subject.
To add notes to a topic:
1.    Select a topic.
2.    Click notes icon on the toolbar.
3.    Type the extra information in this pop out notes dialog box.
A small note icon will appear in the topic. If the topic is hovered over with the mouse a popup box will appear with the note text.

Share you mind map
 It is possible to share your mind maps with others
1. Goto file on the main menu and select the last option share on
2. You will be prompted to enter your Xmind user ID and password. You have to create one if you want to upload your project following the instructions.

6. What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
    First you need to have administrator access to you PC to be able to download the software. Otherwise, the software will self install. No additional software, plug ins, or hardware is requiered.

7. How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)     1- Present my ideas to an audience
    2- as a teaching tool. For example students can be divided into groups to discuss and brainstorm about a certain topic. This ideas can then be graphed using the mindmapping tool.
    3- Brainstorming and outline research projects
    4- this tool may be used to engage collaboration and exchange of information and ideas. People can work on the same mind map and correct mistakes or add new ideas.

8. Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment (150-250 words). 

    The diagnosis of a disease can be sometimes a dauting task. Many variables, bits of data, and multiple sources are involved. Mind mapping seems a reasonable way to aggregate this all this data in a graphic form. The use of mind mapping tools could be used for teaching assignments where residents have to draw a mindmap for a given condition.
As an example a group of residents could investigate diabetes. The mind map has to include the etiology, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, and pathology findings.

See my example

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool in a formal or informal teaching environment?
     The advantage of the software is that is free (nothing beats free). It has many options to customize the looks and many templates to choose from.
     The major disadvantage is that the learning curve is steep and sometimes the some options are not easy to find. But sometimes complexity cames with a cost.

10. Would you recommend this Web 2.0 tool to others, or suggest that they explore a different tool?       
     I guess I would recommend this tool. However, in my search I found that there are plenty of mindmapping tools and possibilities. Some do not requiere to download a program (web based) at all like Bubbl.US, MindMeister, and Map Myself (aka Mapul).

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